Peacemakers: Part II

This week we continue our overview of how we, as Christians, are expected to bring peace to the situations and conflicts of our lives. What is our goal in times of conflict? How do we see those we are at odds with?  What is it scripture says about forgiveness and reconciliation? Direct audio link […]

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Grace and Truth

This week we review how scripture discusses both Grace and Truth. How is God’s grace defined? What does His grace mean to us, and how are we supposed to live it out? How does God talk about Truth, and how does our approach to Truth relate to our obedience to God? How can a misunderstanding of Grace […]

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Come Follow Me

 Sermon text: John 21:2 This week we look at what it meant to be a disciple in Christ’s day. Who was usually called to be a disciple? How did they treat their rabbi? What can we learn from Peter’s discipleship? What did Christ ask of Peter? What does Christ ask of those who follow Him? […]

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The Day of First Fruits

This week we look first at the words from Ezekiel, then to the culture behind the celebration of the feast of weeks, also known as the day of first fruits. What was happening after the Passover, on the Day of first Fruits in the time of Christ? Direct audio link […]

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