Wise Men Still Seek Him

Today we review the story and history of the Wise Men as they sought Christ’s birth. Do we seek him still, with the same watchfulness, and the same expectation? We look at the scriptures speaking of the time Christ will come again, and ask the question: are we still living ready for His coming? […]

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The Perfect Gift

This week we review history of the “Wise Men,” and the prophesies that had been made about the coming King. […]

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Truly Wise Men

Sermon passage: Matthew 2:1-12 This week we look at the history of the line of the Magi, who Daniel ruled over. We then look to the history of the kingdoms, leading up to Herod’s time ruling the Jews.   […]

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Daniel’s Secret

This week we conclude where last week’s message began, looking at Daniel and his life. We then look to the gravity Daniel’s words held, and the power of his positions. […]

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Daniel and Co.

Sermon text: Daniel This week we recap the history of Israel up to until the captivity of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.  We then look at the lives of these men, especially of Daniel. What effect did they have, did Daniel have, upon his world? […]

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