This week we look at how Israel was told to keep watch, and now how we as Christians are told to live in readiness. Do we look at scripture, and live a life of anticipation for Christ’s kingdom? Do we read His prophecies, and look for the signs that God gave pointing to the time of […]
Tag: prophecy
A Christmas Connection Conclusion
This week we conclude the story between Daniel, the Magi, and Christ’s kingdom. Do we study scriptures the way Daniel and the Magi did? Do we look to scripture for the fulfillment of God’s words? Direct audio link […]
A Christmas Connection – Part 3
This week we look at the texts that speak to the coming king, promised in prophecy. As we look at the words of Gabriel to Daniel, then at the texts that Daniel read, and that the Magi followed as they gave their gifts to Christ. As we celebrate, do we remember Christ as the promised […]
Trust His Heart
Sermon text: The book of Habakkuk We look at the conversation between God and Habakkuk. What did Habakkuk want? As God responds, what can be learn about Him? Direct audio link […]
When We Are: Signs of the Times
This week we review the prophecies given by Christ. How should we view prophecy? What are the signs of the times that Christ gave us? How should we live, in view of what Christ and scripture have told us? […]
The Heart of God: David the Prophet
This week we look at the prophecies written by David. We look at three different kinds of prophecies, and how they appear in David’s writings. How can we see Christ, in David’s writing? How did David’s experiences, and feelings mirror, and point toward Christ’s experience? […]
Wise Men Still Seek Him
Today we review the story and history of the Wise Men as they sought Christ’s birth. Do we seek him still, with the same watchfulness, and the same expectation? We look at the scriptures speaking of the time Christ will come again, and ask the question: are we still living ready for His coming? […]
Signs of the Times: How Then Should We Live?
This week we look broadly at Scripture and prophecy, and our own reactions to His predictions. How should we handle prophecy? If we knew how the final times would come, what choices would we make? Are we making the kind of choices, living the way we would like to be found? […]
Signs of the Times: Peace and Safety
Today we review the past signs Christ gave for the times, and the signs given to Daniel. We look then at the search for world peace, and what that will mean for the nations. We should be aware ourselves of the signs of times of unrest, and look only to Christ for our Peace. If […]
Signs of the Times: The Nations
This week we look at the predictions made about the different eras, and the nations and coalitions surrounding Israel. Are we so consumed with our present circumstances, that we do not focus and Trust God’s timeline? […]