The Series on Romans

1st Century Rome and 21st Century America are historically, politically, militarily, financially, religiously, culturally, and morally very much alike. One was quite literally structured to look like the other. We live in a world system, with a world philosophy and a world view the recipients of Paul’s original letter would have recognized.

What would the apostle Paul say to someone living in our culture? Would it sound anything like “from faith – to faith – by faith”? […]

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Romans 201: In Christ

This week: speaking on our position in Christ for our new life. […]

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Romans 201: Alive to God

Text: Romans 6:1-11 Continuing the theme from last week, our life is not only dead to sin, but we find new life in the spirit. […]

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Romans 201: Dead to Sin

Text: Roman 6:1-14 […]

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Romans 101

Brian and Jonathan led us in a worship service that reviewed the main points of the sermon series on Romans. If you would like to view all of the individual messages, you can find them at this link: […]

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Greetings & Salutations

thumbnails of our church family

Text: Romans 16:1-27 […]

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Greetings & Salutations

thumbnails of our church family

Text: Romans 16:1-27 […]

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To Be Served or To Serve

Text: Romans 15:8-16:27 […]

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Truth and Grace

Text: Romans 14 […]

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Inside Out

 The transformation and renewal of our minds takes time, like renovating a house or starting a garden from the ground up. Text: Romans 12:1-2 1Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. […]

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