Be Careful What You Ask For

Sermon text: Exodus 17 This week we look at the symbols of Egypt and Israel, then at the battle Israel has with the Amalekites. As the Israelites fought to escape enslavement, they won when they had Moses’ staff lifted up for all to see. When Israel sins again they are attacked by serpents. Moses is […]

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The Two Stories

This week we review the story of the story of the Israelites, as they are delivered from Egypt, and begin to know God. The world tells its own story. Do we believe God? Do we fear Him? Trust Him? Obey Him? […]

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The Place of Strife

Sermon text: Exodus 17:1-7 This week we look at the continued journey of the Israelites in the dessert. As they follow God’s leading through the dessert, they demand water when they find none. What is it they want? What is it God experiences from His people? What is it we ask of God? What is […]

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Bread from Heaven

Sermon Passage: Exodus 16:1-5 We look at how God showed mercy in providing- but also how he taught His people. When they complained, that they craved food God provided, but with specific rules. What is it we desire, and are we content with what He provides, and how He provides it? […]

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Out of the Frying Pan

This week we look at the story of the Israelites in the desert, as they go without water for three days. They begin to complain… what was it they were expecting? What was it God wanted from them? What is it we expect? What is it we depend on God for? […]

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Before and After

This week we look at contrasts. How did the Israelites cry out before their exodus? How did they cry out after? As God worked, and revealed Himself, how did they begin to understand God? How have we changed our perspective? What have we been freed from? What can we celebrate, now that God has delivered […]

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Watch With Me

We look this week at how God revealed himself through the plagues in Egypt, and finally through the crossing of the Red Sea. We see how Israel goes from crying out, to crying out to the Lord, to finally fearing Him. Israel is freed from Egypt’s system. Do we still rely on the World’s system, […]

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The Finger of God

Sermon passage: Exodus 6:6-9 When Moses is sent to free Israel, he asks who he should say has sent him. God wanted His people and all of Egypt to know who He was, by experience. God called Israel to commit to him, and away from the idols of their life. Are we ready, and willing […]

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Purpose in the Desert

As we look at the story of Israel, we follow the people out of Egypt. As they begin their time in the desert, the begin to grumble against God. We look at how God provided, and how the people doubted, tested, and demanded of Him. What is it we expect of God? How much do […]

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