
This week we review the concepts from our study on peacemaking. We begin by looking at Christ’s prayer for our unity, then at the thing that so often divide us. Conflicts, usually driven by our own expectations, often motivate us into conflict with one another. […]

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Grace and Truth

This week we review the series about Grace & Truth. John 1:14 tells us that Christ came to us, full of Grace & Truth. We look at the different swings believers, congregations, and Christians in general struggle with: the swings between extremes toward either. Christians that become consumes with truth to the exception of grace […]

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In Christ

This week we review the ‘In Christ’ series. Do we, as we live our lives, view ourselves through the spectrum of our Savior? Do we stay rooted in what He has provided for us? Do we rely on him, or do we try to grow on our own, apart from all he has given or […]

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For the start of the year, we are reviewing the concepts and series we had previously covered. Today, we recap discipleship. Many claim Christ’s name, many claim to be his followers. (“Yes, I’m a ‘Christian!’”) But as many make that claim, we examine the difference between knowing of him. and knowing him. What is the […]

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